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Clear Spray Tan


we’re delighted to offer a bronzer-free solution

our clear solution includes everything you know and love about our organic spray tan solution minus the bronzer. we crafted this speciality solution to contain even less ingredients resulting in the most naturally derived and natural looking airbrush tan.


benefits of our clear spray tan solution

Clear Organic Spray Tan

why we love it

we are proud to offer a super express tan with all the skin care benefits our other solutions including hyaluronic acid and caffeine, simply with fewer ingredients. the solution goes on clear and can be rinsed off in just 2-4 hours after the spray tan application. this unique addition to our solution lineup allows us to further customize the client experience while consistently delivering flawless results.

why you’ll love it

walk out of the studio looking just as you walked in while your spray tan discreetly develops! without bronzer in the solution, there is nothing that can potentially transfer to clothes or sheets during your tan’s development. feel free to wear white after your appointment, run errands or return to the office! our clear solution is a favorite for brides and breastfeeding moms—the difference is clear!